Among all the religions in the world, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Jainism are few most important. Today we are going to read some interesting points of Islam through the sets of 10 lines provided below. These points will certainly amaze you and also will provide you with much knowledge.
Ten Lines on Islam
Set – 1
1) Islam is a very important religion all over the world.
2) Islam has originated in Saudi Arabia and around the 7th century.
3) The people who follow Islam are known as ‘Muslim’.
4) The ‘Prophet Muhammad’ was the founder of Islam religion and also proclaimed the ‘Quran’.
5) The place Islamic people (Muslim) worship is known as ‘Mosque’.
6) The sacred scripture of Islam is the ‘Quran’.
7) Mecca, Medina, and Kaaba are some very sacred places of Islam.
8) Muslims call their God ‘Allah’, and they worship him five times a day.
9) They clean their body before worshipping, which is called ‘Wudhu’.
10) They don’t need to pray only in a Mosque, but at any clean place.
Set – 2
1) There is a lack of adequate resources to get the actual date of the origin of Islam.
2) Shia, Sunni, and Khawarij are the three major denominations of Islam.
3) Around 25% of the World’s population belongs to Islam.
4) Some Islamic festivals are Bakrid, Muharram, Ramadan, Milad-Ul-Nabi, etc.
5) Islam supports both vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians.
6) Islam is the world’s second religion with the most number of followers.
7) Muslims are not allowed to check their horoscope or predict their future.
8) Islam does not allow any of its followers to use alcohol or alcoholic products.
9) In Islam, education is a right and important for all, including women.
10) Islam is such a religion that is growing rapidly in the world.

Islam shows us the path of peace and harmony that we should follow throughout our life. Like other religions, Islam also follows the concept of ‘Live and let live’. There are many misconceptions about Islam and its people, but we should understand its root, and try to live together with brotherhood.